
Resolwe consists of two major components: RESTful API and Dataflow Engine. The RESTful API is based on the Django REST Framework. It offers complete control of the dataflow, data and permissions. The Dataflow Engine handles pipeline execution. It resolves dependencies between processes (jobs or tasks), and executes them on worker nodes. Results are saved to the PostgreSQL database and clustered file system.


The Dataflow Engine has several layers of execution that can be configured either on the server or by the individual processes.


Processes can be executed on a server cluster. In this case the Executor, Runtime and Expression Engine layers span over multiple worker nodes.


Resolwe can be configured for a lightweight desktop use (e.g., by bioinformatics professionals) or deployed as a complex set-up of multiple servers and worker nodes. In addition to the components described above, customizing the configuration of the web server (e.g., NGINX or Apache HTTP Server), workload manager, and the database offer high scaling potential.

Example of a lightweight configuration: synchronous workload manager that runs locally, Docker executor and runtime, Django web server, and local file system.

Example of a complex deploy: Slurm workload manager with a range of computational nodes, Docker executor and runtime on each worker node, NGINX web server, and a fast file system shared between worker nodes.